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A member registered Aug 16, 2019

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I really appreciate the honest answers.  I originally came back to the site looking for a way to request a steam key, but I think I'll just stick to buying a second copy in steam - at this point I would much rather support you instead. 

You bring up an excellent point about adding the game to steam via the single games launcher & I think this is more than fair considering it's pretty much entirely out of your control. 

Honestly, if you wanted to make it less work for yourself you could have just raised the price on itch to match steam/only allow people to purchase via steam. However, you are acting purely out of  generosity by allowing the price to currently remain the same for those who want to purchase it here instead.  I think this shows that you are dedicated to the product and I am happy to double down on the investment since I feel confident you have your heart in the right place.